
Trending News Prediction using NLTK and Web Scraping GitHub

Predicting if news articles will be trending by analyzing the news titles and description.

Skills: Python web scraping, NLP (NLTK), Python data manipulation - Numpy, Pandas, Machine Learning - Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Xgboost

Deep Learning Approaches to Detect Pneumonia GitHub

BMS College of Engineering

Comparative analysis of Deep learning approaches to detect pneumonia using Chest Radiographs.

Skills: Python data manipulation - Numpy, Pandas, Deep Learning - CNN (Classification), U-Net (Segmentation), Mask-RCNN (Object Detection and Localization).

Foliar Disease Detection using CNN GitHub

Built CNN model to classify different types of diseases affecting leaves using foliar leaf images.

Skills: Python data manipulation - Numpy, Pandas, Deep Learning - CNN (Classification and Detection).

US Air Pollution Time Series Analysis GitHub

Northeastern University

Time Series Forecasting for US Air Pollution Data.

Skills: Time Series techniques - Naive methods, Average methods, SARIMAX, LSTM, Python data manipulation.